Graduate students in the lab win multiple awards


Outstanding work by our graduate students recognized by the University

Every student in the lab (!) has been recognized with an award from UNR for the 2022-2023 academic year, a recognition of all of the amazing work they have done and are planning to do.

Aramee Diethelm was recognized with an Outstanding Graduate Student Scholarship from UNR’s Graduate Student Association for her work on community dynamics in milkweed-monarch-predator systems. Her first first-author paper from her dissertation work is now in press and will receive its own blog post shortly!

Stephanie Coronado was recognized with an Outstanding Graduate Student Service Award from UNR’s Graduate Student Association for her work on diversity, equity, and inclusion in our EECB graduate program, as well as her outreach to the Reno community through the Reno Burrito Project and the UNR Natural History Museum. Steph was also awarded a Nevada DRIVE Scholarship “to promote doctoral research in innovation, vision and excellence”!

Anson Call was awarded a Travel Grant from UNR’s Graduate Student Association to support his attendance at the 2022 Ecological Society of America meeting, where he will present work on the importance of landscape context to pest-predator interactions in alfalfa crop systems. Anson is just back from a presentation on the same work at the Pacific Branch Entomological Society of America Conference, where he participated in an expert panel discussion on future directions in alfalfa IPM.

Gabby Mizell was awarded a Hitchcock Chemical Ecology Fellowship to support her research on how plant chemistry influences leaf decomposition rates in Great Basin soils. Gabby is currently in Kenya, leading a team to conduct a huge 13-carbon pulse-chase labeling project, and killing it.

Congratulations to all!!!!

Elizabeth Pringle